
Radcliffe Council Passes 'Purality' Election Proviso

Radcliffe student government and class officers will be elected by a simple plurality of a single place vote, according to an amendment to the Annex constitution passed by the Student Council Friday.

Proferential voting has been the system used in past Annex elections.

Acting on the Cedar Bill recommendation for a system of dormitory representation, the Council appointed a committee to draw up a second amendment providing for such a change.

The amendment, together with several other proposed constitutional revisions will be put to a vote of the College.

'Cliffe's council also recommended that dormitory presidents use the Have transfer system, rather than the preferential voting system to elect dorm officers.


Under the Have system, the voter still Hats preferences, but, in counting, the votes given to the least popular candidate are in each case transferred to another of the voter's choices who received more votes. This continues until all but two candidates are eliminated.
