
Williams Men Ordered To Make Own Beds in New Economy Action

Williams College joins the ranks of anti-traditionalists this term, with an order that all students must make their own beds.

College authorities issued a directive to maids to concentrate on cleaning. Every dormitory room will get a thorough cleaning three times a week, but beds will be up to the students.

Bedmaking was dropped because it was an "outdated luxury," according to Peter P. Welanetz, superintendent of buildings and grounds. He stated the new plan will save the college "about $10,000 a year."

"Most colleges abandoned the service long ago," he said. "Our housekeeping staff will be able to do more cleaning under the new system."

Welanetz said he expected student complaints, and was "prepared to handle them."


Many of the men in Williams live in one of the fraternity houses that abound on the western Massachusetts campus, and will not be affected by the new order.
