
Ban Deferment Due to Families

Anything can happen, according to Major General Lewis B. Hershey, Director of Selective Service. Hershey told the Crimson "No immediate changes forseen, but circumstances can always alter cases. Am unable to predict what next year's developments may bring."

A new wrinkle in the draft policy came this week when General Hershey brought up the subject of college men who married and became fathers during their academic career. He felt that the public would rebel at such men getting "permanent deferment".

"Deferments are granted . . ." Hershey said "under the student's clear obligation to do his military hitch when he gets out of college. Obviously this would be required of him whether he has married and become a father in the normal course of events during his college term or not."

One New England Selective Service head said last month, "With all the fuss that's going to be raised about drafting fathers, it would be a hell of a lot easier just to take more students."
