
Young Democrats Will Enter Campaign Soon

Governor Stevensons organized forces at Harvard will be ready to work for a Democratic victory as soon as classes begin, Stanley E. Tobin '53, president of the Young Democrats stated yesterday.

The first meeting of the group will be held next Monday, at 8:00 p.m. in the Kirkland House Junior Common Room. Speakers include Samuel Beer, associate professor of Government, Samuel Huntington, lecturer in Government, and Representative James O'Dea. It will be an open meeting, Tobin said.

"Most of our work (for the election) will and must be of a variety that lacks glory but brings victory," he continued. "Knocking on doors, working on sound trucks, inanuing the polls, sending out letters, canvassing voters, raising funds . . . will . . . constitute the major portion of our efforts for a great triumph in November."
