
Law Registration May Top Estimate

Fewer Cancellations Swell Class Size; Law Offices Move to 23 Everett

Students entering the first year class of the Law School may reach an unexpectedly high number, according to latest, information from the office of admission.

At present the class is considerably above the 525 expected, Director of Admissions Louis A. Toepfer indicated yesterday. The actual number of students in the first-year class, however, will not be known until after the registration is over.

Toepfer blamed the oversize class on a surprisingly few number of withdrawals. It had been expected that the armed services would shrink the number of entering students to around 525, but it appears that no such attrition has occurred.

At the same time, it was announced that the Law School Admission and Placement offices, formerly situated on Massachusetts Avenue, have been moved to 23 Everett Street.

The new office building, a 16-room house, will also serve as a student Activities Center, with many Law School organizations scheduled to take permanent residence there this week.


The Massachusetts Avenue building will be used for legal research.

Toepfer disclosed that, the Everett Street building will also house a Financial Aid Office. The new bureau, which will be under Toepfer's direction, will "attempt to coordinate scholarships, loans, and part-time jobs."
