
Honor Societies Elect Law School Members

Fifty-five Law School students have received recognition for their academic accomplishment by election to the legal honor societies.

The Harvard Law Review--drawing its staff from the top members of each Law School class--has chosen 33 new editors for this year. Announced yesterday, the group includes eight third year men and 25 second year students.

The new editors are: Third Year--Bernard Cederbaum, Thomas F. Eagleton, Sedgwick W. Green, Joseph Guttentag, Myron Hendel, Alan Latman, John McNally and Robert L. Shults.

Second Year--Phillip Areeda, Peter Bator, Frank K. Berlew, Derek C. Bok, Samuel C. Butler, Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel, Jesse W. Doolittle, Jr., Norman Gold, Allen Greenberg, John Kaplan, Andrew L. Kaufman, Joel Kozol, Stuart J. Land, Donald I. Laventhall, Keinard M. Leiman, Arnold Lozowick, Richard M. Markus, Richard P. McGrath, Bruce Nichols, William Nickols, John T. Noonan, William D. Parsley, Judson A. Parsons, Jr., Arnold I. Roth, Peter H. Schiff and Edward C. Stebbins.

The following ten members of the Class of 1954 were elected to the Board of Students Advisors: Louisa H. Clark, Edward M. Cowett, Moses G. Ehrlich, David B. Keller, David J. Melamed, Allen Redlich, Lester Rosen, Frederick R. Scher, John D. Stoner, Herbert P. Williams.


Seventeen members of last year's first year class have accepted election to the Legal Aid Bureau. They are Harris Aron, Richard J. Barnet, Burton Bromson, William J. Chadwick, H. Stewart Dunn, Jr., Laurence S. Fordham, B. Harrison Frankel, Donald F. French, Lawrence R. Fullem, James T. Harris, Herbert D. Katz, Jonathan W. Lubell, Ramon L. Posel, Leo Silverstein, Richard W. Southgate, Julian L. Weber, George P. Zisdenstein.

Robert B. Bradley, John A. Garvey, Henry T. Lowe Jr., Austin B. Noble, and Oliver S. Oldman from the class of '53 were also elected to the legal aid bureau.
