
Commuters Able To Join Dudley At Registration

For the first time all commuters will receive within their registration envelopes a membership card for the Non-Resident Student Center in Dudley Hall.

In previous years, the commuters had to collar students in the registration line and ask them if they would like to join the Center on Dunster Street.

But this year 8 by 10 inch, green-blue registration cards are included with all other registration paraphernalia. The card calls the Center "the eighth unit in the House system" and states that membership offers students "educational, social, and athletic facilities and opportunities similar to those provided in the seven resident Houses."

Membership is open to all commuters and is $5 for the term, $10 for the year.

Upperclass commuters will have the added opportunity of tutorial in the remade Apley Court, whether they are members of the Commuters Center or not.
