More than 270 Law School students, 170 of them first-year men may have to turn to the Phillips Brooks Houseing Office for shelter this year.
They are the men and women currently on the waiting list for the Law School dormitories--which already have been filled, and can only hold 500 men anyway. "We've never been able to take them, all," said Dean Bevins, "after all, we have 500 spaces for 1500 people."
Last year 260 men applied and were put on the waiting list. "They all found places," claimed Bevin, "they had to."
There will be some vacancies, but as Bevin says, "it'll be hard to tell just how many. People leave for all sorts of reasons," he added.
The PBH office has 800 potential land lords on its list, and a spokesman declared that "it should be pretty easy to a room around here."
PBH has already sent out post cards to the owners asking whether they have doubles, singles, with or without baths. The card also demanded the rent be within the OPS range, and warned that there will be no discrimination, because we "have boys of all races and religions applying."
"Quite a few boys have already been around looking for aprtments, but we expect a real rush later on," the spokesman concluded.
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