
20 Union Men Work Here For 13 Weeks

Twenty trade union officials will arrive at the Business School this week to start an intensive 13-week program of study in labor relations. Clinton S. Golden, former vice-president of the CIO United Steel Workers, is director of the project.

In addition to their regular program, the union officials will meet twice a week with members of the Advanced Management Program to participate in a seminar on labor-management relations.

Ten of the students are from foreign countries. Their attendance at the session was arranged by the Production and Technical Assistance Program of the Mutual Security Agency. The men represent eight nations.

Golden Directs

Besides the Business school sponsorship, the Trade Union Program will be under the aegis of the Graduate School of Public Administration and the Economics department whose facilities and instructors will be at the disposal of the union officials.


Golden, as director of the program, will be responsible for coordinating its activities with those of the Advanced Management Program. His early labor relations work was with the A. F. of L. More recently he was a lecturer at the Business School and a member of a special ECA advisory group to Greece. He is presently working for the Mutual Security Agency.

This is the second year that the Trade Union Program has been in operation. It was founded last fall to give union leaders a broader picture of labor relations problems and to provide possible solutions.
