
Tufts' Carmichael Will Probably Gain Degree

Honors May Go to Lovettand Kirk Also

Leonard Carmichael, President of Tufts College, Robert Lovett, Secretary of Defense, and Rear Admiral Alan Kirk, former ambassador to Russia, are probable choices for honorary degrees at Commencement exercises, it was learned by the CRIMSON last night.

Carmichael, who will retire sometime this year to head the Smithsonian Institute as Secretary, was a Sheldon Fellow at the University in 1924, a lecturer in psychology in the summers of 1927 to '31, and returned in 1935 as a visiting professor. He will be succeeded at his Tufts post by William Saltonstall '28, present headmaster of Exeter.

Carmichael was opposed to President Conant's United Military Service proposals of '50 because he believed some system of deferments was necessary and U.M.S. would draft everyone, including students at 18.

"It is always better for the armed services to have a small percentage of men coming back after college," he said at that time.

Colonel Randall, executive officer on Lovett's staff, refused to say yesterday whether Lovett will attend Commencement. Carmichael also declined to verify or deny whether he will receive degree, but added that he was not in position to give out any information.


Rear Admiral Kirk was not available for comment.

The administration has followed the policy of keeping mum on who receives the honorary degrees until Commencement day. A recipient has to be present at the exercises in order to receive degree. Two notable exceptions are Generals Marshall and MacArthur, both of whom were offered degrees in absentia in 1946. Marshall took his degree a the following Commencement, when he delivered an address on the Marshall Plan. MacArthur is still in line for his degree whenever he accepts the University's invitation.
