
MIT Offers Post To Filipowski; His Course to Exhibit

Richard Filipowski, instructor in Design, has been offered an assistant professorship at M.I.T., Professor Laurence B. Anderson, chairman of M.I.T.'s department of Architecture announced yesterday.

The appointment is subject to the approval of the M.I.T. administration. Professor Anderson said.

Filipowski now teaches Design 1, the basic course in the theory of design. Earlier in the term. Dean Joseph Hudnut of the Graduate School of Design announced that the course would be discontinued as of this June.

According to Anderson, Filipowski will be teaching a course "not dissimilar to Design 1" at M.I.T.

Filipowski's students will hold an exhibition of their year's work in Hunt Hall beginning Friday, June 6 and extending to the 19th.


The course embodies the ideas of Walter Gropius, professor of Architecture, and his Bauhaus school. These ideas on the basic properties of space, form, and color will be illustrated in the student's exhibit.
