Two exhibits of Renaissance books, manuscripts, and maps are now on display at Houghton Library to mark a two-day conference on "Science and Civilization in the Renaissance."
The library's display includes 1543 first editions of works by Copernicus and Vesalius, as well as a series of Ptolemy's works. Renaissance maps are on exhibit at Fogg Museum.
At the opening meeting at 2:30 p.m. today in Burr Hall, Professor Owsei Temkin of Johns Hopkins University will speak on "The Elusiveness of Paracelsus," and Lloyd Brown of Peabody Institute Library will talk on "The Revival of Cladius Ptolemy."
"Theories of Generation in the Renaissance" will be discussed by Professor Conway Zirkle of the University of Pennsylvania at 8 p.m. tonight in Fogg. Meetings tomorrow morning in Burr Hall will feature Charles S. Singleton, professor of Romance Languages and Literature, and Professor Exwin Panofsky of the Institute of Advanced Study. All the meetings are open to the public.
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