
Joker Juggles Names On Radcliffe Petition

Names have been appearing, disappearing, and reappearing on WHRB petitions which were designed to force the Radcliffe Council to reopen the transmitter issue.

In Whitman Hall a Practical joker, the date of one of the girls involved, forged the names of three girls to the petition. As a result, the document was banned from Whitman, despite the fact that the fourth signature was the real thing.

In Briggs, three girls who changed their minds about supporting the Harvard bid crossed their names off the petition. Later, another girl complained that her name had been crossed off without her knowledge or consent. Thereupon all four names were replaced.

Finally, in Moors Hall, a commentator added a few words of advice to the petition, to the effect that: "It's too late now."

Two weeks ago, WHRB officials asked permission of the Annex Council to circulate a poll among 'Cliffedwellers. This poll was to determine how many girls wanted to hear the Harvard Network as well at Radio Radcliffe.


The Council, however, denied WHRB this permission.
