
Dunster Ballot Boxes Stuffed; Revote Today

Ballot box stuffing in yesterday's House Committee election at Duster has forced a-re-voting for representatives from the Class of 1953, Hershell Baker. Senior Tutor, revealed last night.

Baker announced that "Due to a significant discrepancy in the number of ballots cast and the number of voters checked, there will be another election today for Junior class representatives to the House Committee." This happens every year. Baker, said, but the discrepancy this year was sizable enough to affect the results of the elections. Greater precautions will be taken in today's election to prevent a recurrence, he added.

Campaigning by the 11-candidates for four posts was described by Peter B. Walker '52, chairman of the present House Committee, as "flerce."

One of the more controversial issues of the campaign was raised by J. Lanier Cox '53, not a candidate, who distributed a mimeographed letter on the eve of the election charging the present committee with misappropriation of funds from a $500 bond donated to Dunster by the Class of 1941. The committee voted last February to initiate a picture lending service and use the money from the bond to start it. Cox claimed the committee had no jurisdiction over the money, and that the move was given insufficient publicity.

According to Cox, the suggestion made in committee that a referendum be held was vetoed because a majority of the Committee felt that it was vetoed to initiate culture from above lest the House members should veto the project.
