Pitcher Bob Ward and the Crimson nine lost a heartbreaker to Brown at Providence yesterday afternoon, 1 to 0. Although Ward had pitched two hit ball until the ninth inning, and the team, though hitting sparsely, had only two errors, the Bruins finally pushed across their lone run in the last of the final frame.
At several points in the game, the Crimson looked as if it might be able to score on Ken Moffat, side-arm righthander who trimmed them here last week, 4 to 3. Right fielder Ralph Robinson led off the fourth inning with a single, and Russ Johnson followed with a sharp infield hit. But the next three men went down in order.
In the first of the ninth the Crimson had a man in its first scoring position of the day, when Bennie Akillian walked, then went all the way around to third when the Bruin infield kicked around pick Clasby's grounder. Pitcher Rufe Webb, pinch-hitting for Ray Maesaka, pupped up to the catcher for the third out and the end of the Crimson's chances.
Brown Scores
The Bruins, who looked generally weak against Ward's curves, had only catcher Lon Murgo's three-bagger and one scratch hit to boast about going into the ninth. John Valinote opened the inning with a double, and Ward hit the next batter, right fielder Bob McCue. Bob MacCounell was given an intentional pass to load the bases, but the next man up third baseman Bobby Wheeler, hit a bag fly to Benny Akillian in left. Akillian's throw was fast but wide; Valinote scored and the game was over.
The contest was definitely a battle of pitchers, and it was Ward who looked the best until the end. Brown got only three hits, Harvard four, and the Crimson's remarkably god play in the field (two errors) kept them in the running. The win solidified Brown's clutch on first game in the Eastern League, with five wins and one loss, while Harvard is now below with its two wins and three losses.
M.I.T. Today
The team takes on M.I.T on the Tech grounds at 3:30 p.m. today, and the mediocre Engineers, with a record of two wins, six losses and two ties, won't give even a disheartened Crimson much of a battle. M.I.T. coach Roy Merritt plans to star either Amos Dickson or Bill Teepel, while Stuffy McGinnis will counter with Rafe Webb, who was a last minute search for yesterday's game.
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