
Council Endorses Yardling Report On '55 Advising

In an open meeting at the Union, patronized by only seven freshmen, the Student Council last night accepted unanimously the report on Freshman Advising, and prepared a recommendation for "higher authorities" stating that Commuters should be allowed to take books out of Lamont in the afternoon.

The Council has tinkered with the idea of the undergraduate advising of freshmen for several years. In May, 1951, 80 advisers were rounded up, with the idea of sending letters to the freshmen before the start of the fall term. "The idea was vetoed by the office of the Freshman Dean."

The Committee which compiled the report, headed by Howard A. Shapiro '53, reported that "despite a certain amount of apathy on the part of some advisers and probably of advisees, too, (judging by the advisers' reports in October) the program has been successful to a fair degree. It has not been as valuable as might have been hoped. To the extent that the program has been helpful in some ways to most and has been extremely valuable to many it seems worth continuing."

In the other major development of the evening, the Council prepared a recommendation stating that it recognizes the existence of the need for procedure to enable the Commuters to take out books (from Lamont) before 9 p.m. The Council modified this statement by saying that books set aside or specially marked "Commuters" should also be accessible to resident students, and that the ratio of books loaned out to Commuters should approach the ratio of Commuters to the rest of the College.
