Nineteen students were booked at the Cambridge Police Station at 11:30 p.m. last night for disturbing the peace, following a riot at M.I.T and a march on Radcliffe. According to police officer William Storey, the men were trying to "got some of the girl's scantics."
Seventeen of the rioters were Tech graduate students from Baker House, and two were Harvard men who had been seeing dates home when they were arrested.
The riot started when an estimated 800 M.I.T men began building bonfires and shooting off firecrakers at Briggs Field. Police said this was the third such riot in as many weeks at Tech.
Nurse Phones Police
Sister Emanuel, head nurse at the Sancta Maria Hospital near Briggs Field, phoned the police at about 8 p.m. that the fires were disturbing 64 maternity and surgery cases. Patrolmen broke up the disturbance and sent the men back to their dorms.
According to Lt. Mark E. Cunningham, shortly before 11, eight carloads of M.I.T students "roared out of Amherst Street" and went to Radcliffe to "pinch some undies."
"Undies" Only Socks
The "undies" angle was seized on by police when they caught one of the Harvard men, a freshman, catching a pair of socks his girl friend had mended and was tossing out a Cabot Hall window to him.
Meanwhile, three Tech men who "apparently knew about the whole business" came into the station to find if any M.I.T men had been arrested yet, and to arrange bail. They called Dean Frederick G. Faccett, faculty resident of Baker House, Bail was set at $25 per man, plus a $2 bail commissioner's fee. All 19 students will appear in police court at 9 a.m. this morning.
Although officers claimed over 800 men took part in both riots, there was no damage reported. A check at the hospital showed the fires did not touch it.
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