
University's Gifts Total Over $1,000,000 in '52

Over one million dollars piled into the University coffers in the last three months, figures released yesterday reveal.

Total gifts for immediate use amounted to $1,198,449,14. and gifts for endowment totaled $980,032,17.

In his preface to the book of figures, entitled "Gifts to Harvard. January 1. 1952 to March 31, 1952." President Conant said, "The number of donors listed in the following pages is impressive, as is also the total amount of their contribution. These gifts will enable us to go forward with a renewed vigor in a variety of enterprises I take pleasure in expressing sincerest appreciation to all who have given so generously. In so doing. I speak not only personally but on behalf of the governing boards and the members of the faculties."

The gifts for endowment go toward making up the University's capital fund. Most of the gifts for immediate use are for scholarship and fellowship programs, left by or in the name of a former Harvard graduate. These latter are also by far the largest, in total sum. The smallest gifts were $500; the largest, for the Fund for the Advancement of Education, was $110,500.00.

Unrestricted gifts, those not specifically for any stated purpose, amounted to $2.178.481.31. Among the graduate schools, the Medical School received the most contributions, a sum of $883.419.60.


The Committee on Athletic Sports received only $898.00. The gifts for enlargement of its capital fund totaled $10.00.

Among the gifts for immediate use was one from the American Cancer Society for $38.394.60.
