

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I should like to-take advantage of your letter columns to protest what seems to me the incredibly inepthandling of the pictures and descriptions of the graduating class in "316", the new Yearbook. This book is intended as a permanent record in which seniors can find out about the activities and histories of their classmates, but any senior who consults his Yearbook in the future is going to receive a highly distorted picture of his class.

On the basis of My own acquaintances, I know of three people whose names, were left out entirely, one Kirkland House man listed as living in Mains one Eliot man classed as a commuter, another Eliot man shifted to Winthrop and a Dunster House senior those picture is accompanied by the name and a description of a Lowell House Junior with a similar name.

Since seniors have already paid nine and a half dollars for their Yearbooks. I think that the publishers should make available to them, free of charge, a list of corrections and additions so that the Yearbook will have real value in the future. (Name withheld by request)
