
Crimson Tennis Teams Play At Hanover; Ufford Captain

Coach Jack Barnaby has a cold and may miss his final match of the year when the varsity tennis team travels to Dartmouth today. Nevertheless the team confidently expects to win itseventh match of the season to place wond in the Eastern Intercollegiate Tennis League.

For the first time in two years, however, newly re-elected captain Charlie Ufford will not play number one against a major opponent. Except for last year's Yale match, which he missed when he caught the measles, Ufford has played test singles in every important contest during his College freshman and varsity career. But last Thursday, the day he was re-elected captain, the lanky junior lost an intra-squad test match to number two man John Rauh, and switch of his almost traditional first singles position with the rising sophomore.

For today's match Ufford will play second, with Art French and Gene Mann at third and fourth as usual. The regular path man, Dave Watts, may not go on the trip so the rest of the team will move up a number. Don Bossart, Gerry Murphy, Bill Goodman. Steve Sonnabend, Terry king, and possibly Herb Stoue form the rest of the 10-singles in the lineup. Triple better winners Goodman and Murphy will both be playing their last matches for the Crimson.

Doubles Teams

It doubles, Ufford and Goodman will still play first. French will play second with Watts if the latter goes on the trip, of Rauh and Bossart playing third. Stone and King form another combination with Frank Goodman, Donn Spencer, Paul Trinchieri, and Mike Ward along to fill in the rest of the five doubles.


Dartmouth this year has a very fine team, undefeated in the E.I.T.L. since it 'oeat Yale, 6 to 3, and didn't play Princeton. The Crimson has a 4 and 1 record in the League, bowing only to undefeated Princeton. Against Yale, the varsity won, 14 to 1.

Freshman Record

Corey Wynn, who may coach the varsity if Barnaby is unable to make the trip, will also lead his Yardling team to Hanover against the Dartmouth freshmen. The Crimson freshmen have rung up a 5 and 3 record, with losses only to Yale, Deerfield, and Exeter in their 'A' matches.

Captain Alex Haegler will again play first today, followed by Ed Koerner, Mike Levinson, Geoff Ball, Dan Mayers and Bob Crouch. Wynn is still not certain of his doubles teams.
