
Trial for 25 Will Begin Early Today

Dever Sitting Again Rugo Hearing Apa

Trial of the case of 25 students rested in last Thursday's Pogo will begin as scheduled at 9 a.m to in the East Cambridge Court, dec the protests of officer James Morrisey moved when the students were arraigned last Friday morning that the trial be held yesterday as day was his "short day."

Two of the total 28 men booked week moved for immediate trial at arraignment and were sentenced to a piece in the House of Correction. They were Richard C. Wheeler '52 and Mard Powing '53, who appealed the tence.

Paul Rugo '55 the only one cha with resisting arrest won a separate hearing earlier this week on completed of assault and battery brought age him by patrolman Willimas Storey. The hearing will also take place this morning in the court clerk's office.

Mass Trial

Authorities indicated last night Judge Edward A. Dever brother of state governor who presided over week's hearing may try the students together instead of separately as many of the attorneys involved had hoped.


When contacted last night, most of defendants said they were still planning to bring charges of undue brutality against the Cambridge police. In response to this charge Captain Richard Linehan of the Central Station claft that the "only thing police did not were while kid gloves" in quelling disturbance.

Students Warned

Chief Patrick J. Ready has denied that any of his men used clubs while making arrests. He said that the students been warned before what would happen if they engaged in riots and added feeling that the deans here will handle the rioters properly. So far the administration has not made public its intentions with regard to the arrested men.

Ready also commented that the 28 men were a "peculiar breed of students. There was not a manly boy among group I saw."
