
Eli Deans Probe Ice-Cream Riot

Yale deans are now--holding an investigation of tactics used by New Haven police in quelling last Tuesday's riot, termed the "biggest daytime riot ever."

The deans are extensively sampling undergraduate feeling in their inquiry. Reports that police drew revolvers were confirmed over the weekend when New Haven Chief of Police Howard O. Young said. "I don't want any gun play. It was entirely uncalled for. I'm trying to determine just what brought it about, but I'm happy that no gun went off."

Yale undergraduates have raised protests, against what they termed "untoward brutality" of the police in the riot which started when students protested police efforts to force an ice cream vendor to move.

One officer in particular was singled out as having used his billy club against heads while his fellows used them only on legs. Students say police used gan butts, blackjacks, and night sticks.

Yale officials have indicated that no university action will be taken against four students arrested
