
Varsity Net Club Travels to Enter N.E. Tournament

Five members of the varsity tennis team will enter the New England Intercollegiate this weekend at New Haven, the scene of their solid 14 to 1 triumph against Yale last Wednesday.

Although the top team in New England, the Crimson has been known for the balance of its lineup rather than for any individual standouts. Consequently, it is not favored in the Friday through Sunday tournament. Ed Wesley of Amherst and Dick Squires of Williams are pre-tourney favorites, with Crimson Charlie Ufford right behind them.

However, upsets are frequent in the annual affair, and Coach Jack Barnaby is also entering John Rauh, Art French, and Gene Mann in the singles. If the Crimson does emerge from the tourney with a winner, it will most probably be its highly toured first doubles team of ufford and Bill Goodman, who are heavy favorites.

In other tennis action this weekend, the Yardling "A" team will meet Tabor Academy at Marion while the freshman B club faces St. Marks at Southborough. With several of his regulars unable to play. Coach Corey Wynn will use Ed Koerner, Mike Levinson, Danny Mayers, Bob Crouch, Dave Berndt, Doug Manchester, and Wyman Emory against Tabor. The Crimson will probably beat Tabor, but expect rough sledding against St. Marks.
