
Over 1000 Fill New Lecture Hall For Cartoonist Kelly's Pogo-Talk

More than 1000 students jammed New Lecture Hall last night to attend the most popular course of the year-a one night stand by Pogo's papa, Walt Kelly.

The rotund and genial creator of the comic strip possum had a little difficulty with traffic conditions in the Square and arrived a few minutes late for his scheduled lecture. Kelly, in fact, spent the first part of his informal talk explaining to students his impression of "the way a person in a uniform must feel when surrounded by so many people without uniforms."

Kelly, who was given a three-minute ovation at the start of his speech, had obviously been well-instructed before hand in local jokes. He mentioned "little disturbances in a place down the line that had something to do with ice cream" and added that he had heard of some trouble in Cambridge when a fellow who couldn't sleep at night went looking for his socks.

His talk was interrupted at several points by pogo stick races down the aisles.
