
Cadet Trackmen Favored in Heps

Twenty three Crimson trackmen will enter the Heptagonal Championships Saturday at West Point Army is favored, with the Crimson a distinct underdog.

Bob Twitchell and Charlie Durakis in the hurdles, Pete Dow in the 100, Ed Grutzner in the quarter mile, and Ronnie Berman in the half are the most likely Crimson scorers in the running events.

In the field events, Bob Mello in the pole vault is the only Crimson entrant expected to score. However, Bob Curran in the hammer and Bob Ray in the shot could gain points.

A sprint relay team composed of Twitchell, Dow, Pete Curran, and Paul Sheats could take a first with good passing.

Outstanding performances are expected from Cornell's Jim Lingel, Army's Dick Shea and Larry Johnson, Navy's Bob Allison, Princeton's Buzz Taylor, and Yale's Joe Chadbourne.
