Police Chief Patrick J. Ready gave his go ahead yesterday--to the Pogo rally scheduled before Walt Kelly's talk tonight. Kelly will speak in the New Lecture Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Pogo's penman will arrive from New York on the evening train, and meet the demonstrators in the Square at 7, from where he will lead the parade to the New Lecture Hall.
Buttons Arrive
A shipment of Pogo buttons, just in, will be distributed to all marchers in the Square, and also at Bermorr's during the day.
Students in the School of Design are drawing Pogo for President posters and banners for the affair.
Sections of Schneider's Silver Cornet Band and members of the Harvard band are expected to provide caca-phonic background for the melee.
Ready warned, however, that he will have patrolmen on hand to quell any disturbance, "should it get out of hand."
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