
Mikkola Hospitalized; Name on Danger List

Coach Jaakko Mikkola was moved to Peter Bent Brigham Hospital yesterday morning as his condition following a heart attack Saturday night remained unchanged. He is currently on the danger list, although he was reported resting comfortably at 1 a.m. this morning.

Dr. Andrew W. Contratto, instructor in Medicine and attending physician, was unable to be reached for comment last night.

In the meantime, Bill McCurdy, freshman track coach, has taken over Mikkola's place as head of the varsity squad. Next year McCurdy will replace Mikkola as permanent head coach, since Mikkola was due to retire after 31 years of coaching service to the track team.

Mikkola was an outstanding Finnish athlete, competing in both track and skiing events in the Olympics. He held several records in his main events, particularly the discus event and cross-country skiing, although he has competed in all track events.
