
Lee Finishes 3rd In AAU Wrestling

Wrestling captain Johnny Lee lost out in his bid to defend his National A.A.U. 123 pound championship over the weekend at Cornell, and placed third.

Lee lost a close decision to ex-Oklahoma University star Jack Blubaugh, now wrestling for the Armed Services wrestling squad. In previous rounds, Lee pinned Rush of the U.S. Navy, Coursen of Springfield, Rose of Long Island, and Haney of the Baltimore Y.M.C.A. In a fourth round match, leading by a fair margin. Lee rolled over on his own shoulders in applying a cradle hold to Armand Taylor, a Norfolk, Virginia, schoolboy, and since Olympic touch-fall rules were followed in the tournament, was declared loser. Blubaugh placed first and Taylor second.

The previous weekend, Lee finished fourth in the N.C.A.A. tournament held at Fort Collins, Colorado. He lost his semi-final bout to Bill Borders, of Oklahoma University, who was adjudged the outstanding wrestler of the meet. In the consolation match for third place. Lee lost to Illinois' Lou Kachiroubas, N.C.A.A. champ in 1945 and 1946.
