
We Arizonians

Cabbages & Kings

"Nope," said the chairman of the Young Republicans Oregon delegation, "We're all filled up."

Since the Young Republicans were not requiring residence as a membership requirement in their state delegations, Oregon seemed the logical place for a Wayne Morse supporter. That delegation closed to me, I decided to try Arizona, a state in which I lived for a few years.

The delegation designated Arizona was huddled in a corner of the New Lecture Hall. Its chairman was a short, pudgy fellow with "I Like Ike" printed on his paper cap. He was holding a piece of paper with spaces for seven names. There were only four.

"Is Arizona filled up yet?"

The chairman glanced at me. "It all depends."


"On what?" I asked.

"Well,' he said, "all of us are voting for Eisenhower and . . ."

"Do you mean I have to vote for Eisenhower?"

"I didn't say that." He had guessed by my tone that I wasn't solidly in the lke camp. "But we're all voting for Eisenhower." He pointed to three lke buttons pinned on the lapels of three fellows. "If you vote differently, it will mean that I'll have to divide the state's votes. Fractions and things."

"That won't be difficult," I told him. "Arizona has fourteen votes and seven members. Each man gets two votes. No fractions."

He pondered over this. "But we don't have seven members yet."

"All the more reason," I bore down, "for letting me in the delegation."

Neither of us said anything. I decided to adopt a friendly tone.

"I'm not for Taft," I said.

His quick smile turned to a frown. "Who are you for?"
