
Bunnies Hold Second Hutch Hoopla Picnic

Today is Bunny Day.

Leverett's second annual Hutch Day, a 20-hour-long affair, will begin to roll early this morning, when the 350 inhabitants of the lower Plympton Street House and their dates converge on Middlesex Fells for a picnic outing.

A sunset supper in McKinlock courtyard followed by a formal dance in recreated Okefenokee Swamp (Leverett's Dining Hall) caps the day for the long-earred citizens. Called the Pogo Fish Fry and Stomp, the dance should feature Walt Kelly, Pogo's pen man, who will christen a life-size statue of Albert the Alligator, according to festivity officials. Kelly has promised the dance committee he'd try to attend the ball.

There are no official plans for Sunday yet, although some may be laid later today.
