
WRRB to Merge With Tech Station Next September

Radio Radcliffe will merge with Radio M.I.T. next year, Judith Kapstein '54, WRRB's president, revealed yesterday.

Conferences between the directors of the two stations resulted in the decision to form a network between the Annex and Tech. The new arrangement will start at the opening of college next fall.

According to the tentative program plan for next year. WRRB will broadcast WMIT's daytime shows. From 8 p.m. until midnight the 'Cliffe station will feature its own programs, and WMIT will take over again from midnight until 2 a.m.

Radio Radcliffe plans to broadcast from its new studios in Holmes Hall, which will open in September 1952.

WRRB hopes to develop and extend its radio coverage because of the more fully equipped quarters and the merger with Tech, according to Miss Kapstein.


A telephone line will connect the two stations. The cost will be borne equally by both, John Bennet, director of WMIT, stated.

This is the second major operational change within a year for WRRB. The Radcliffe station withdraw its connection with WHRB last spring.
