

The Sun Never Sets on Cricket

Cricket may not be the University's oldest sport--actually this year is only its third year--but it's certainly the most international. Where else would you find such students as Captain Ed Seaga from Jamaica, or Jim, Ongley from New Zealand. "Muggy" Mugaseth from India. Bruce Check from Australia Frank Davies from Trinidad, or Lewis Clark from England.

Only a sprinkling of Americans have dared to join in and two, manager Bruce Brogan and Johnny Swann, have made this year's team.

Star batsmen are Davis and Ongley. Captain Seaga has the job of wicket keeper, and operates much the same as a baseball catcher. The "bowlers"--cricket's equivalent of the pitcher--are headed by Mugaseth, Barry Cooke and Win Rickards, while Clark is a leading "fielder" (or baseman).

Collegiate opponents are about as hard to find as good American players. Haverford is the oldest--it's had cricket teams since its founding in 1833, and probably has the nearest thing to the "playing fields of Eton" on this side of the Atlantic.

Yale started up a team two years ago, and a match which the Crimson played against them last May was written up by B.B.C. correspondent Allstair Cooke in Britain's staid national daily, the "Manchester Guardian."


Tech Plays Saturday

M.I.T. fielded its first team in time to play in the Crimson's christening match three years ago. First Crimson-Tech match this season takes place Saturday, on Smith Field, behind the Stadium.

Usually short of such inter-varsity competition, the Crimson had to go last Saturday to Staten Island for its opener. Playing the strong local team, it won 85 runs to 61, thanks mainly to magnificent batting by Davies (39 runs) and Ongley (33 runs).
