Radcliffe voted in another two years of compulsory subscription to the Radcliffe News yesterday, after two days of balloting at the Annex. Four hundred and fifty-four girls approved the proposal, while 284 opposed it.
This means that the News will continue under its present status until April, 1954, with every girl in the college paying $1.50 a year compulsory dues.
On the question of the Freshman Register, which was published for the first time this year, the largest number of votes, 265, aproved of the Register and a having it circulated not only at the Cliffe, but also at men's coleges. One hundred and eight students voted against the publication altogether, while 219 girls voted for its being circulated only at the Annex. One hundred and thirty-two undergraduates supported the idea of the Register, showing preference for only Radcliffe the circulation.
Register Favored
The results of this vote will be used by the Year book and Council to determine what action to take with the Register next year.
The last question on the ballot, which concerned changing the name of the council's spohomore member to the electoral chairman won with 642 votes approving the change. Since directing elections is the sophomore member's chief duty, the change in name wil in no way change her duties on the council.
A little over 80 percent of the entire undergraduate body voted in this election, almost a record number. One hundred and forty-nine commuters cast their ballots.
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