
'Cliffe to Vote Fate of 'News'

Questions on Ballot Include Compulsory All-'Cliffe Paper Subscriptions, '56 Register

Radcliffe-girls will vote Monday and Tuesday on whether or not they want the News to continue on a compulsory subscription basis for the next two years, the Annex Council decided this week. The newspaper has formerly been given four-year guarantees of subscriptions.

If a negative vote results, all girls will not hereafter be required to buy the News each year.

Also coming up for a vote is the question of whether or not there should be a Freshman Register next year.

The ballot will also include a statement to the effect that each freshman would be allowed to choose whether or not she wants her picture in such a book.

A third issue is a proposal to change the title of Sophomore Member on the Student Council to that of Electoral Chairman.


The questions:

1. "Proposed: That the News remain on an all-college subscription basis at the present rate of $1.50 per year for the term April 1952 to April 1954."

2. "Do you want a Freshman Register circulated only at Radcliffe?"

3. "Would you approve of a Freshman Register circulated at Radcliffe and else-where?"
