Marine Corps officers yesterday offered Radcliffe girls an opportunity to join the summer R.O.T.C. training program, and gain a commission as second lieutenant in the Marine Corps Reserve.
Juniors, seniors, and recent graduates are eligible for the course, which may be taken in either one or two summers, with a commission after successful completion of training. The program is held at the Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Virginia and provides basic theoretical and military instruction. The first part of the course emphasizes indoctrination in "Marine Corps concepts."
During the Junior training course girls will have the rank of corporal, and will receive $142.00 pay. In the second half of the course, they will be temporarily promoted to the rank of sergeant and pay will be increased to $176.
Living quarters, transportation to and from the base, uniforms, and medical care will be furnished by the Marines.
Radcliffe reaction to the plan was mixed, with the emphasis on the negative, although one girl said that she had "always wanted to join the Navy, but Marines would do just as well."
A Cabot Hall girl, after a hasty reading of the letter screamed, saying "I've been drafted." The general consensus seemed to be that the Marines should be left to the men.
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