
Council Reports Will Get Direct Faculty Hearing

More surprised than elated, the Student Council last night heard the news that they had gained direct access to the Faculty.

Daniel L. Ritchie '54, chairman of a Council committee established to investigate the possibility of direct Council-Faculty relations, reported that the Faculty will allow Council members to read their reports before the different committees.

"I believe," said Ritchie, "that if we request it of a committee, we will get a hearing."

Ritchie's committee has followed up a report presented last February by retiring Council president Richard M. Sandler '52. The report suggested that a Council member be allowed to sit in with the Faculty.

It is evident from the consensus of the faculty," the report said, "that permanent Council representation on the faculty or on one of its regular committees is not possible.


"This committee believes, however, that improved Faculty-Council relations are desirable and possible. If the Council feels it would be mutually advantageous to the Faculty and to the Council to present its views on a particular subject by means of a personal presentation... (it should)...request a hearing before the appropriate Faculty body."
