
Annex Poll Shows Students Oppose 'Forced' Tutorial

"Nobody should have to take tutorial who doesn't want tutorial." This statement by a 'Cliffe sophomore reflected the Annex student body's disapproval of the proposal for compulsory group tutorial in the five major fields of concentration.

According to an informal poll taken yesterday, most Radcliffe girls object strongly, however, to the abolishment of join tutorial for Harvard and Radcliffe that will be necessary when the tutorial program is centered in the Houses.

'Cliffedwellers favor the provision of optional tutorial for non-honors candidates but feel that it should not be required.

These Annex students queried seemed to feel that the standardization of subject matter and the larger groups of tutees involved in the new plan will make tutorial just like another course meeting only in sections. They feel that the personal relationship between tutor and tutee will be hard to achieve in the larger groups.

Another major Radcliffe objection to the proposed changes was that, although extending the tutorial program is fine in theory, the College is not now equipped with the personnel to carry out the aims of the program." 'Cliffe students anticipate that the quality of instruction will be lowered by 'forcing unwilling sophomores and juniors to take tutorial"
