
Spaak to Discuss Union of Europe Today in Sanders

Paul-Heart Speak, former Prime Minister of Belgium and first president of the United Nations General Assembly, will speak on "United Europe" in sanders Theater at 3 p.m today under the sponsorship of the newly-formed Harvard committee on United Europe.

This is the only college non-fundraising speech that Spaak will give on the second U.S lecture trip. Robert S. Warshaw '49' the group's organizer, said yesterday. It is also under the auspices of the American Committee on Unites Europe with which the University group will be affiliated. Spaak's first speaking four was in January and February of last year.

The University group will publicize the 17-nation United Europe Movement of which Speak is chairman.

Spaak's talk will be broadcast over the FM Lowell Institute station WGBH and by short wave to Europe from station WRUL, New York. After the speech the student group will elect officers and draw up a constitution.
