
Annex Halls Elect Officers of 1952

Radcliffe dorms this week completed elections for most of next year's officers.

The winners are the following:

Branard Hall, president, Denuise Mangravite '53; social chairman, Jean Ross '54. Bertram Hall: president, Mary E. Faigle '53. work chairman, Noelle B. Blackmer '54. Brigges Hall: president, Eleanor R. Levine ,53; social chairman, Thala Poleway '54; Community Service representative, Nancy P. Winlock '55. Cabot Hall: president, Anne W. Sears '53; social chairman. Ellen U. McHugh '54; work chairmen. Mary Anne Goldsmith '55 and Barbara A. Knauff '54; Community Service representative, Dale F. Dorman '55.

Eliot Hall: president, Linda A. Witherill '53; social chairman, Suzanne Chappell '53; work chairman, Jacqueline A. Crowell '53; Community Service representative, Martha M. Nicely '53. Morrs Hall: president; Barbara C. Furrer '53; social chairman, Sue A. Sandel '54; Community Service representative, Joan D. Williams '53. Whitman Hall: president. Joan Avery '54.
