
Bolles Announces 6-Race Schedule For Heavy Crew

Six regattas make up the varsity heavy crew schedule released yesterday by Athletic Director Thomas D. Bolles, with the first one on the Charles against M.I.T. on April 26. The varsity 150's open a week earlier against Columbia, Tech, and Dartmouth at Cambridge.

Harvey Love will be coaching the varsity this season for the first time, succeeding Bolles. Love has coached freshman crew at Harvard over since 1926--the same year Bolles took over the varsity. The four-mile Yale race on June 20 will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Harvard-Yale regatta.

Varsity Schedule: April 26, M.I.T.; May 3, Princeton and M.I.T., at Princeton; 10, Navy and Penn (Adams Cup); 17, E.A.R.C. (Eastern Sprints) at Princeton; 24, Cornell; June 20, Yale, at New London.

Freshman Schedule: May 10, Navy and Penn; 17 E.A.R.C. (Eastern Sprints) at Princeton; June 20, Yale, at New London.

150-pound Schedule: April 19, Columbia M.I.T., and Dartmouth; 26, M.I.T. and Tabor; May 3, Yale and Princeton at Princeton; 10, E.A.R.C. at Princeton.
