
Europe Favors Unity, Bowie Says at Coffee

Undercurrents of pro-federation sentiment dominate Western Europe, stated Robert R. Bowie, professor of Law, who spoke on "Germany and the West" yesterday at the Law School Coffee Hour.

Following World War II, Bowie was an aide to West German High Commissioner John J. McCloy and worked on the Schuman plan. He pointed out that the French government fell recently on the question of finances rather than on German rearmament and organization of a European Army.

In the question period, Bowie said that our policy of backing Germany as a candidate for the European Army has put German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in a good bargaining position. He felt that the 300,000 troops that Germany will provide for the Army could be raised else where, but he said it is a psychologically sound policy to include Germany in the protection of Western Europe.
