
Loss of Key Men Hinders Yardling Sextet's Chances

"The situation doesn't look too good for us," freshman Coach Myles Huntington stated last night in appraising his team's chances against Burrillville High School at 4 p.m. this afternoon in the Arena.

Burrillville, a Rhode Island school, beasts a team which has beaten both Yale and Brown. The Yardlings, who meet Yale Saturday in the Arena, beat the Bruin freshmen 10 to 6 two weeks ago.

Huntington has lost two of his starters, Captain Bob Marsolais and defenseman Jim Moynihan, because of academic difficulties. He has decided to abandon his system of having two equal lines, and will concentrate on his starting six.

Doug Manchester will be at center on the first line, flanked by Scott Coolidge and Ned Bliss. Ed Almy, who has improved throughout the season, was moved up to the starting line to replace Moynihan, and will team with Ed Mrkonich, Carl Hathaway will continue to hold the goal position.

The Yardlings have rung up an impressive record so far this season, but without Marsolais and Maynihan their attack is bound to suffer as Marsolais is one of the top scorers and fastest skaters on the squad.


Burrileville's Huskies are perennial Rhode Island state schoolboy champions and New England Tourney finalists, this being their fifth successive title.
