
'55 Jubilee Committee Meets

Freshman Jubilee plans got their first airing last night when the newly elected committee met at the Union. Seated, from left to right, are BARRY F. SACHS of Straus, PHILIP PERERA of Straus, PAUL D. MAGGIONI of Dedham, Mass., GEORGE F. BAUM of Holworthy, JOHN T. WHATLEY of Stoughton, and GERALD A. LEWIS of Matthews. Standing, from left to right are J. TIMOTHY ANDERSON of Lionel, PETER L. MALKIN of Wigglesworth. DAVID L. WISE of Thayer, and CHARLES T. WOOD of Wigglesworth.

Christopher Loring '54, last year's Jubilee Chairman, started the meeting by discussing last year's program. Terry Coles '54, Chairman of the All College Weekend Committee, urged the committee to schedule the Jubilee at least three weeks before the All College Weekend, so that the affairs will not be competing with each other.

The committee will meet again on Thursday evening to elect the Jubilee Chairman and to set a definite date.
