
Five Crimson Teams Go South on Spring Trips

Ten Will Play Tough Washington, Middies

Limited to four days of full-scale practice, the varsity lacrosse team will nonetheless venture south during vacation, meeting two of the toughest teams in the country in the process.

Coach Bruce Munro's squad will start the tour Monday against Stevens Tech a Hoboken, N.J. Tuesday the Crimson faces Hofstra at Hempstead, L.I. Both these squads bowed to the varsity last year.

Tuesday night, though, the Crimson motors to College Park, Maryland, to play rough, experienced Maryland on Wednesday. Thursday will be open, but on Friday the varsity moves to Chester-town, Md., to oppose Washington.

The safari closes Saturday against Navy at Annapolis. Like Maryland, the Middies are a perennial powerhouse, and have already played several major games.
