
Fairbank Hits Rowe of Yale For Charges

Far East Expert Hits Back At Charges He Sympathizes With Chinese Red Objectives

Yale Professor David N. Rowe has become "infected with the denunciatory virus which is epidemic this year along the Potomac," declared John K. Fairbank '29, professor of History, last night.

The Far East expert was commenting on Rowe's charges before the Senate Internal Security subcommittee that Fairbank has been consistently sympathetic to the aims of the Chinese Communists.

Rowe was called before the Senate group originally to testify on Owen Lattimore in connection with the Institute of Pacific Relations. He discussed Fairbank only at the suggestion of Robert Morris, subcommittee counsel.

Old Friends

In a statement issued late yesterday, Fairbank said he has known Rowe since the latter was a student here in 1937. He continued, "Two months ago, I flew out to Denver and back together with my friend (Rowe) in order to present what (he) called 'a joint and mutually agreed upon statement of commonly held objectives on the Far Eastern situation.'"


Fairbank went on to say that he thought his views and Rowe's had been in agreement, and expressed surprise at Rowe's charges.

The Yale political science professor also testified that Fairbank had written him and other Far Eastern experts asking them to testify in Lattimore's favor.

He made it clear, however, that he did not mean that Fairbank himself was a Communist nor "sympathetic to Communists in general."
