Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson won the presidential preference poll of Liberal Union members. Paul Levine, H.L.U. president, said last night. At the same time. Levine announced a debate between accusers and defenders of Dirk J. Struik will be held in April.
Stevenson got 55 percent of the votes cast. Truman was runner-up with 35 percent and Kefauver had 15 percent. The poll was part of a nation-wide poll of clubs affiliated with Students for Democratic Action Levine also said that H.L.U. is making plans to poll the entire College on its presidential choice on both tickets towards the end of April.
The Struik meeting of planned to cocincide with the trial of the M.I.T. ex-professor. Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology, will defend Struik, while an as yet unnamed member of the State Legislature will speak against him. Alber S. Collidge, lecturer in Chemistry, will take a middle-road position.
The purpose of the meeting is to more clearly define the issues at stake in the trial. "We feel that this trial represents more than just the freedom of a sigle man." Said Levine. "It is an issue which if allowed to continue will establish a precedent that will seriously cut the freedom of the individual in education."
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