
Four Clubs Receive Official Recognition from University

Four student organizations that have been active in the College for at least a term finally received official University charters yesterday. Associate Dean Watson said the meeting of the Faculty Committee on Undergraduate Activities recognized the Eisenhower, Kefauver, and Taft for President Clubs and the Students for Non-Violent Action.

Henry J. Cadbury, Hollia Professor of Divinity, and Raphael Demos, professor of Philosophy, sponsored the S.N.V.A. Demos said although he did not agree with the group's ideology, he thought they had a right to organize. Cadbury admitted he would probably agree with the doctrines "more than some sponsors."

With 610 members the Eisenhower Club is second in size only to Phillips Brooks House which has 651 members. President Earl M. Kulp '52 said yesterday that McGeorge Bundy, associate professor of Government, and Warren A. Seavey, Bussey Professor of Law, will be sponsors.

Co-chairman John R. Rodman '54 of the 50-man Kefauver Club said recruiting has lagged because of a lack of buttons. Last February 26, John K. Galbraith, professor of Economics, and Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology, consented to act as co-advisors but emphasized that their sponsorship does not necessarily indicate their political views.

Local Taft adherents boast 204 members. Club president Willard P. Dwelley, Jr. '53 said that Bruce C. Hopper, associate professor of Government, and alumnus Paul C. Whitney '20 would advise the club.
