
Dunster to Get Laundry; Follows Kirkland's Lead

Other Houses Seek Inter-House System

Dunster will be the second House to install its own washing machines, the Dunster House Committee announced last night. The new machines will arrive early in April.

After dickering for over two months with the Maytag-Gray Company, distributors for Maytag washers and dryers in the Boston area. Dunster has worked out a system under which it will pay $200 of the $630 installation charge, while Maytag foots the rest.

Gordon M. Fair, Master of Dunster House, has decided not to allow members of other Houses to use the machines, although there is an increasing interest among students in some sort of an inter-House system. At the moment, members of several other Houses are using the Kirkland Laundry on an informal inter House basis, and the House committee reports that this is working "very well."

Adams, Leverett, and Eliot are especially eager to work out an inter-House system because Maytag is unwilling to foot large installation charges in all of these Houses.

Like Kirkland, Dunster will get 20 percent of the 25 cent take on each washer and dryer, virtually all of which it must pay for water and electricity. However, Maytag has agreed to let the House take everything made on the machines over two dollars per day until the $200 is paid off.


The various House committees were approached by Maytag during the winter and have been considering the move ever since.
