
Ruggers Will Fly to Pacific For Two California Games

Coach Says Team Hurt by Experience Lack; Squad Leaves on Saturday for Bermuda

Though the Bermuda trip has always been the biggest event of the rugby year, this season it promises to be eclipsed by a new and less expensive excursion. The University of California has offered the squad a schedule of two games over the weekend of May 10 with all expenses paid.

Leaving for the usual Bermuda trip this Saturday: the first team and six rplacements will take on a Bermuda squad, Dartmouth, the British Navy team, and Yale. The team's greenness doesn't give it much hope against tried opponents, but the team should hit its stride by the time it returns.

Clearance from the H.A.A. was the main obstacle of the California trip, but permission was finally granted for the following weekend, the 17th. Calls were exchanged between California and Cambridge and Coach Tom Calhoun reports he is quite confident the trip will take place.

Calhoun said, "The fellows just have to start thinking rugby; it isn't like football where a coach can tell you what to do." As the ruggers only have three veterans from last year this problem of thinking is uppermost. It was apparent in yesterday's scrimmage with M.I.T.

A definite asset to the team is the addition of ex-varsity football captain Warren "Red" Wylie. Although he is now to rugby this year, his gridiron tactics have stood him in good stead and he looks better every day. Hard charging, shifty broken field running, and deceptive ball handling are as much as advantage in rugby as in football, and Wylie is a master of them all. From his new found position of three-quarter center, "Red" should give the ruggers a terrific punch.


Coupled with Wylie is Princeton ex-All American George Sella, now playing his second year under Calhoun. Last year much of the team's success was due to his fine tackling and brilliant running. Playing from scrum half, comparable to quarterback in the T-formation. Sella will undoubtedly be one of the top men on this year's squad. It is safe to say he and Wylie will be an impressive duo.

Of course no account of the team stars would be complete without mentioning Calhoun. Working from forward, he is strictly a "heads up" ball player. His aggressive play has made him the first man in a scrum on many occasions and his control of the ball shows streaks of strategic brilliance.
