
Radcliffe Seniors Name Graduation Ceremony Heads

Elizabeth Trygstad Fast '52 of Cambridge will be Radcliffe's senior Class Marshal at Commencement. Mrs. Fast won the top post in the senior elections held Monday and Tuesday.

Phebe Crampton of Cohasset and Cabot Hall and Maryalice McArdle of Cambridge and Cabot Hall came in second and third, which gives them the duties of Commencement Chairman and Bacca-laureate Chairman respectively.

Holding the post of Class Night Chairman will be Rachel Mellinger of Springfield, Ohio, and Whitman Hall, while Elizabeth Tucker of Ardmore, Pennsylvania, and Moors Hall will act as assistant Class Night chairman.

Annex seniors voted on a slate of ten girls for these five officers. The ten girls on the ballot were chosen in a primary election from a list of 29 names, listed for contributions they had made to the class or to the college.
